Electrolysis and Intense Pulsed Light technology (IPL) are a very effective combination for certain hair types and conditions. IPL can treat larger areas and electrolysis can finalise treatment by permanently removing the finer, lighter or white hair that IPL cannot eliminate.

All treatments are carried out by our highly qualified advanced specialist electrologist with over 25 years’ experience in practice.

Get expert advice on how to effectively be free of your unwanted hair FOREVER!

Consultation:  Complimentary


15 min$35
30 min$60


At DaVinci, we use sterile, disposable Sterex probes and the full range of professional products to ensure your comfort and safety, as part of the special care we take to protect you from infection.

For the first 24 to 48 hours after your treatment

  • Use a physical reflective broadband protection sunscreen SPF 30+;
  • Avoid the sun and solariums;
  • Avoid self-tanning lotions;
  • Mineral makeup may be applied after 24 hours;
  • Avoid very hot baths and showers as the treated areas will be sensitive to heat;
  • If the skin feels sensitive the use of active skin care products should be avoided (AHA’s or BHA’s e.g. glycolic acid, lactic acid, salicylic acid and vitamin A serums);
  • Avoid applying soap or perfumed products to the treated area;
  • Do not vigorously rub or exfoliate the area;
  • Avoid sauna and steam and prolonged contact with water such as swimming and Jacuzzi;
  • Avoid friction from nylon material or tight clothing around treated body areas;
  • Avoid touching or scratching the treated area;
  • Follow your electrologist’s recommendations for treatment.

Do apply a soothing antiseptic cream to the treated area regularly over the next 2 days until healing has taken place. To minimise any risk of infection always wash your hands before touching/applying any product

If you normally use a bleach to lighten hair in the area in between treatments, do not apply for at least 48 hours following electrolysis

Should you wish or need to remove hair from the treatment area in between appointments, the hair may be cut with scissors or a razor, but must not be tweezed, threaded or waxed.

Please contact the salon if you have any questions or concerns.


What is Electrolysis?

Electrolysis is suitable for everyone and is the only medically approved method of permanent hair removal for all hair & skin types, of any colour, anywhere on the body! It is totally sterile, safe and highly effective when performed by skilled and experienced practitioners.

It is equally beneficial as a stand-alone treatment or as part of a programme of support with hair management systems such as IPL or Laser.

How does it work?

A fine probe (resembling the size of an eyelash) is inserted into the hair follicle where a tiny burst of energy is targeted at the root of the hair. This destroys the blood supply and the hair becomes weaker and finer. After a course of treatments, the hair is no longer able to grow and complete permanent hair-free results are obtained.

How many electrolysis treatments will I need?

Electrolysis is a progressive method of hair removal. Depending on the density of hair growth, e.g. there maybe 50, 500 or more hairs per area, means that the number of treatments required will vary from person to person. There will be a constant decrease in the growth of hair until it has all been permanently removed.

What does it feel like?

Improvements in technology have developed a comfortable and gentle treatment.

What does the skin look like, following treatment?

Immediately following treatment, there may be a slight redness which usually disappears within a few hours. No recovery time is necessary, normal work and daily activities can be resumed after a treatment.